Monday, May 30, 2005

Flowed out of the cup

Continuing from my previous post… (Read Saving Bapu Privately – a DreamWorks production for context.)

I climbed out of bed, as early as 7:30, brushed my teeth and decided to make myself a hot cup of chocolate. I had a good number of pages left to turn and needed something to put me on track. I put the milk on the hot plate. With nothing better to do, I stood gazing at my coffee cup.

Putting shape,
to an amorphous cloud,
here I was,
drawing lines out of
drawn lines and curves.

Top-left, I saw -
pouring down,
putting behind bars,
the past and the present.

Bottom-left, I caught -
of freshness and fertility,
of thought and joy,

Top-right, I envisioned -
Ra himself,
As a wily merchant,
selling warmth and light,
for valuable vapours,
to adorn his abode.

Bottom-right, I imaged -
something incoherent,
with the rest,
something incoherent,
with itself,
for the lines met,
further the lines crossed.
It was out of place.
It felt human.

Just as the flow from the cup stemmed, (you guessed right :o ) the flow of milk began. It was a rather generous overflow. I ended up spending the next half an hour with the electric hot plate, struggling to get the dried cakes of milk off the coils and the crevices. My Sunday morning was going as per plan. A plan governed by Murphy’s laws.


Brood Mode said...

Impressive...the reading of the signs, the visualizations

PS: is this a creative way to cry over spilt milk???(couldnt resist!!!)

. : A : . said...

You have used the subject well to draw interesting parallels. I particularly liked,

"Bottom-right, I imaged -
something incoherent,
with the rest,
something incoherent,
with itself,
for the lines met,
further the lines crossed.
It was out of place.
It felt human."

Thanks for your comment on my blog.

Unknown said...

@ broodmode:
"creative way to cry over spilt milk"??...I would rather say I did't want the efforts (both) to go wasted ;).

@ bikipatra:
Well how do I take that?
Thanks anyway.

@ .:a:.:
Thanks for dropping by. I have been reading yours even before I started blogging. Glad you liked it.

musafir said...

Nice post!

Liked it when you say: "Rivers,...surrendering." - good thought!

May the voyage continue :)

Unknown said...

@ musafir:
thank you sir.
hmm...ya I've always pitied them, coz they surrender not to one, but to many.

. : A : . said...

That's nice to hear!


Usha said...

wow, that's an interesting poem! very promising quite kicked to see that the person i had seen in a cradle is now so grown up ...i experienced it with siddhu first. Now again with you!!